

Crossroads Kingdom Builders

What is Kingdom Builders?

Kingdom Builders is a group of fully committed individuals and families who prayerfully commit to give over and above their ten percent giving to the on-going missional strategy of the local church.

What is the purpose of Kingdom Builders?

  1. To provide resources to fulfill the vision God has put on the hearts of the leadership here at Crossroads. The vision is always connected to GLOBAL MISSIONS, LOCAL CHURCH EXPANSION, and FUTURE CHRISTIAN LEADERS.
  2. To remove the need to ask the congregation multiple times to raise money for building projects, missions pledges, and other outreaches.

What are the general offerings used for at Crossroads, and how does this differ from Kingdom Builders?

We believe in the principal of people giving ten percent of their income for the work of the church (Genesis 14:17-20, Malachi 3:10).   These funds are used to fund the day-to-day pastoral and administrative operations of the church.  Kingdom Builders is about funding the mission and vision of the church to expand and build the Kingdom of God (Acts 2:44-45) (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).


How often will we receive Kingdom Builder updates?


There will be regular updates in our services and through our media presence.  We will hold an annual gathering for participants to celebrate the wins.


After I have prayerfully considered my commitment, how do I become a Kingdom Builder?


Becoming a Kingdom Builder is simple.  Make a commitment by completing a Commitment Card and then start giving.  There are a variety of opportunities to give--such as during our weekly church services, on our website (, and at our annual Miracle Offering in November each year.


When does Kingdom Builders begin?


The vision will be presented at the start of each calendar year, but you can start giving now!  The vision for each year will be presented in January with the opportunity to make a commitment.  Every November, we will receive a one-time Miracle Offering to finish off the year’s projects and prepare for the next year.